*you are listening to The Last Child: Prelude*

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new IHOS's Touch Wood...spacer_black.gif[addressed] certain concerns, notably human isolation, if not tragedy, and a non-judgmental view of aspects of mental instability. These bleak topics were countered by a spellbindingly good production, with nuanced performances bringing out the best in script and libretti.

Touch Wood, is a thorough success. [It] is accessible without losing intellectual rigour and largely succeeds in being humorous without trivialising its subject, obsessive-compulsive disorder. It asks whether we enjoy greater freedom nowadays or if it's an illusion. Five characters play out their private compulsions and rituals, occasionally interacting in amusing or poignant ways.

The set, lighting and costumes, reminiscent of German Expressionist cinema, are integral to the success of Touch Wood. The performance reaches a musical and dramatic peak with a clever group-choreographed "silly walk" around the stage. The climax is loud, tuneful and exuberant and seems to imply that the human spirit can overcome even impossible odds. more critique... more info/soundbytes...

Diana Klaosen "The power of compulsion", Realtime, Sunday, 18 August 2002

*copyright RealTime www.realtimearts.net*.

The Last Child...spacer_black.gifis a compilation and layering of acid funk, solid baroque, high romanticism, Spanish and Latin modes, minimalist moments, folky flavours and just jazz, all ardently adherent to (and simultaneously commenting on) the emotional content of the text. The performers... deliver the goods with the strict discipline of serious chamber music, the united abandon of good jazz and - towards the end - the intensity of tribal passion. Inspired improvisation, collaborative co-existence. more critique... more info/soundbytes...

Diana Weekes, "Life in a nutshell" Realtime @ the Telstra Adelaide Festival 2000

*copyright RealTime www.realtimearts.net*.

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